Everyone loves confetti, right? ๐ย Today, Iโm going to show you how to add the confetti effect to your React app just in 5 minutes. I already made the components so feel free to copy them to your project.
Here is a video of what we will be building today.
First of all, we need to install the library react-canvas-confetti. This is an example of the realistic confetti effect. They have more examples in their storybook
typescriptimport { useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';import ReactCanvasConfetti from 'react-canvas-confetti';export default function Confetti() {const refAnimationInstance = useRef(null);const getInstance = useCallback(instance => {refAnimationInstance.current = instance;}, []);const makeShot = useCallback((particleRatio, opts) => {refAnimationInstance.current &&refAnimationInstance.current({...opts,origin: { y: 0.7 },particleCount: Math.floor(200 * particleRatio)});}, []);useEffect(() => fire(), []);const fire = useCallback(() => {makeShot(0.25, {spread: 26,startVelocity: 55});makeShot(0.2, {spread: 60});makeShot(0.35, {spread: 100,decay: 0.91,scalar: 0.8});makeShot(0.1, {spread: 120,startVelocity: 25,decay: 0.92,scalar: 1.2});makeShot(0.1, {spread: 120,startVelocity: 45});}, [makeShot]);return (<ReactCanvasConfettirefConfetti={getInstance}style={{position: 'fixed',pointerEvents: 'none',width: '100%',height: '100%',top: 0,left: 0}}/>);}
The usage of the Confetti component is quite straight forward, just use the confetti component in the codebase ๐
javascriptimport { useState } from 'react';import Confetti from './Confetti';export default function ConfettiLayout() {const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(false);return (<><button onClick={() => setIsVisible(true)}>Fire</button>{isVisible && <Confetti />}</>);}
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Create Dynamic Open Graph images with Next.js
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