Whenever I write a new blog, like this one, I use notion for drafting. Wouldn’t it be cool just to be able to switch the tag in notion to published and have it live on your blog?
This will be a tutorial on how you can create your own blog powered by Notion, Nextjs, and Tailwind.
The first step would be to create an API key. You can follow the Notions Getting Started Guide where we will be able to generate a new API key, which we will need for the env file as NOTION_SECRET
For posting new blog articles, I already made a template, so we can simply duplicate it and start writing articles. (Don’t forget to connect your notion page to your integration!)
Template: https://www.notion.so/phung/c5d4aa9aa08745ccb45afd24537fcf28
Once we cloned the blog template, we need DATABASE_ID which can be taken from the URL. It is the id after xxx.notion.site/
Click here to fork the code base and pull the repository
shellnpm install && npm run
The first time you run the blog, you will get an error of missing API key, that’s because we haven't updated the .env file.
The last thing we need to do to make the blog work is to rename .env.example to env and update the variables
shell# Notion secret integrationNOTION_SECRET=# Database id from cloned templateBLOG_DATABASE_ID=# Convertkit subscription (Optional)NEXT_PUBLIC_CONVERTKIT_FORM_ID=NEXT_PUBLIC_CONVERTKIT_API_KEY=# Umami analytics (Optional)UMAMI_ID=
If we did everything right, we should be able to see the working blog 🎉
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